Due date has come and gone. I'm now 8 days overdue. I'm now ready. Psychologically, emotionally, and physically. The baby room is ready. I'm checking off my 'to do' list. But there's just one problem, baby isn't quite ready.
I was really anxious a few weeks back. I wanted him out. I was tired, moody, and disappointed that I was going to have another baby past my due date. But then I realized that this 'attitude' wasn't helping me at all (or those around me). I was fortunate to come across an article in
Lamaze Magazine called '
It’s (Not) a Date'. After reading this article I decided to adjust my attitude. I had to stop focusing on the 'date' and more on 'it will happen when we are ready.' I reminded myself that I was anxious with my first pregnancy, took the castor oil, did the sweep, got induced and took the drugs..... and after 36 hours of labour, I saw my daughter for a minute before getting whisked away because of my excessive bleeding, only to see her again 8 hours later. I always had a gut feeling that I rushed something that mother nature probably had a handle on, and if I would have stayed patient I could have had a whole other labour experience.

I post a lot on
momstown Winnipeg's Facebook fan page about being pregnant and asked mom's to share their delivery experiences. I love hearing stories from other moms. A few mom's recommended Ina May Gaskin's
Guide to Childbirth. I have been reading up a lot on
Ina May but never read the book yet. So I decided to run out and buy the book this past Friday. I figured I had time to read it since it didn't seem like baby was coming any time soon. I highly recommend this book to any expecting mom. Some stories are extreme and not my 'style' but overall the message is about making childbirth a positive, natural and joyous experience. This book has reassured my decision to let nature take it's course, and is really helping me to see labour as a positive experience. Not the dreaded, painful labour that we Westerners have come to expect.
Ina May Gaskin |
I also have a Doula this time around. She's wonderful. She is already helping me stay calm, reminding me to relax and enjoy the pregnancy and my time with the little baby inside me. Between her and my wonderful, supportive, patient husband I think we have a handle on things.
I have had a lot of people comment on how relaxed I am. I'm not complaining about the pain, I'm not as moody, not full of anxiety about being overdue, and I look and feel great. I wasn't like this a few weeks ago. I'm a strong believer that your mind and attitude are more in control of your body then we give ourselves credit for. I'm happy, healthy, excited for delivery, more full of energy, and ready whenever he is.